
Guest Blog: Everyday Climate Vulnerability in Places like Memphis

This is a guest blog written by Shelley Poticha with NRDC. To read the original post, click here. Big storms like Harvey in Houston and Katrina in New Orleans garner weeks of…


Smart, Prosperous and Resilient? Memphis Named as 1 of 6 Sites for New Climate, Health and Racial Equity Initiative

High energy burdens, sub-standard housing, pervasive poverty, poor public transportation access, poor access to health care and food deserts are all too common in North Memphis. Large community re-development projects in Memphis…


Spotlight Shines on Extreme Energy Burdens in Memphis

This past week, national experts from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) traveled from Washington, D.C. to Memphis, TN to help shine a spotlight on the extreme energy burdens many…