
Florida Voters: Learn what candidates for office plan to do about sea level rise

  This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Want to learn where your local candidates for office stand when it comes…


Why Florida’s west coast needs a regional approach to address sea level rise, hurricanes and more

This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. With the Tampa area ranking as the most vulnerable metro area in the nation…


The Heavy Hand of FPL Changes Law; Preempting Local Governments

Money in politics typically never leads to good outcomes for utility customers. Case in point: a bill recently signed into law by Governor Scott helps power companies - in particular FPL - build…


These 51 Southeast Mayors and Communities Are Going for 100% Renewable Energy

Mayors and cities around the Southeast are going all in on renewable energy, which can help lower electricity costs, reduce pollution, and create jobs. The Sierra Club is compiling a list of…


Southeast Florida Prepares for a Warming World

Another year is almost over and the southeast region of Florida seems to be another year wiser when it comes to planning for climate change.  The 4th annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate…