
Florida Can Save Money Under the Clean Power Plan

This blog was written by Pamela Rivera at the Natural Resources Defense Council and originally appeared on NRDC's Switchboard blog.  You can find the original post here. Earlier this summer, the Environmental…


Burning Coal, Burning Cash in the Southeast

The cost of importing coal is a drain on the economies of Southeastern states, particularly in those states that rely heavily on coal-fired power.  In an updated report, "Burning Coal, Burning Cash"…


Southeastern States Headed Up, But Still Have Room to Grow with Energy Efficiency

Yesterday, the  American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy released its seventh annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. The annual report ranks states on their policy and program efforts, and provides recommendations for ways in…


Energy Efficiency: The New Energy Superhero of the Southeast

SACE recently finished its review of 2011 energy efficiency impacts for the major utilities in Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas and Tennessee. We are proud to announce that all major utilities are now offering…


Jacksonville solar project a reminder of what could be in Florida

Renewable energy prospects in Florida may be cloudy this political season, but there are some bright rays in the Sunshine State.  Jacksonville's municipal electric utility (JEA) and its project partners, PSEG Solar…


Bloated costs for Florida IOU energy efficiency programs

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Will Florida choose a high-cost energy future?

August 2009 was busy in Tallahassee for Florida utilities. With lots of attention from the media, early in the month, Gov. Charlie Crist and the Cabinet approved new nuclear reactors for Progress…