
How Does YOUR Utility Stack Up when it comes to Energy Efficiency?

SACE is pleased to release our 2018 energy efficiency report. In 2017, utility-administered efficiency programs in the Southeast eliminated 2,375 GWh of energy waste, cut CO2 emissions by over 1 million tons,…


Energy efficiency is trending up and down in the Southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Duke Energy leads the Southeast on energy efficiency

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Sleeping Giants: TVA and Georgia Power Stuck in Second Gear on Energy Efficiency

This is the third entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region…


A Tale of Two Utilities: Post-Merger Duke Sees Growth in Carolina Energy Efficiency

This is the second entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…


Southeast Energy Savings Pacesetter: Entergy Arkansas Breaks the 1% Barrier

This is the first entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities' energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…