
Coal Ash Still Has North Carolina Stumped

In our work to promote clean, healthy and safe energy choices in the Southeast, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy tackles some pretty complex issues; from the big-picture question of how to reduce our…


Coal Ash Gets Its Day In Court

As predicted in our last blog post on the Dan River coal ash disaster, the repercussions of this tragic event continue to make daily news. While environmental and community advocacy groups have…


Dan River Disaster Recap Timeline

Having trouble keeping track of all the developments since the Dan River disaster began over a month ago? We continue to be amazed that the coal ash spill and subsequent developments have…


Dan River spill spurs major ash clean up orders

Over a month has passed since a broken stormwater pipe under coal ash lagoons at Duke Energy's retired Dan River power station began spewing 140,000 tons of toxic waste into the Dan River*.…


Alabama Voices: Coal ash a threat to state's waters

This guest post is written by Cindy Lowry, Executive Director of Alabama Rivers Alliance and was originally published in the Montgomery Adviser on February 18, 2014. It is reposted here with permission.  If the…


Duke Energy: This is Not Leadership

Shorter versions of this oped were originally published in North Carolina in the Charlotte Observer on February 10, 2014 (found here) and in Florida in the Tampa Bay Times on February 11,…