
Supreme Court Decision Leaves Permit Requirement for Large Polluters in Place

This guest post originally appeared on the Environmental Defense Fund's Climate 411 blog and was written by EDF Senior attorneys Pamela Campos and Peter Zalzal.  You can access the original post here.  [On June…


What the Clean Power Plan Means for the Southeast

On Wednesday, June 18, the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal Register, officially starting the 120-day comment period.  Released on June 2, the Clean Power Plan…


EPA proposed regulations suggest states capture up 6 times more efficiency in the Southeast

On June 2, the EPA released its proposed rules on existing coal fired power plants. In our press release, we discussed that the proposed standards call for reductions in carbon emissions from…


EPA Announces New Limits on Carbon Pollution that Will Protect Health and Tackle Climate Change

This blog was written by Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington DC and was originally published on June 2 via NRDC's blog Switchboard.  The Obama Administration announced a major…


Breaking News: Supreme Court Upholds EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule!

After a trip through the United States' court system that brought it all the way to the Supreme Court, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) friendly ghost of interstate air pollution is alive…


Toxic Mercury Pollution Limits Survive Major Court Challenge

This guest post was originally published by Environmental Defense Fund on its Climate 411 blog and was co-authored by Pamela Campos, EDF attorney, and Mandy Warner, EDF Climate & Air Policy Specialist.  Find the…


Efforts to Regulate Interstate Air Pollution Move Slowly Forward

Recently we've seen several developments in the never ending fight for cleaner air. Along with newly proposed regulations limiting carbon emissions from new coal-fired power plants, and pending carbon emission limits for…


EPA Announces Limits to Greenhouse Gas Emissions on New Power Plants

This Guest Post was written by Laura Beans and was originally posted on EcoWatch.com The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced proposed carbon emissions standards for new power plants [on Friday, Sept. 20].…


Return of the Friendly Ghost? Supreme Court Visited by CSAPR

The specter of federal air regulation for cross-state air pollution has risen once more. On June 24, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review an appeals court rejection of EPA's Cross-State…


TVA Announces Plans to Idle Colbert Coal Plant Units

UPDATE: On July 15, 2013, TVA determined that Colbert Unit 5 will be idled on October 1, 2013.  Unit 5  was previously planned to idle in October 2014.  We applaud TVA's acceleration…